Saturday 16 May 2015

ENTRY 4: Sushi Session at SAKAE SUSHI

Long weekend holiday Yehhhhh!!! Best ever thing while u’re in working arena is CUTI UMUM!!!! (actually is last 2 week pye story...

So kite ENJOYYYY!!!

Xde la enjoy mne pun... a lots of thing need to do, kje opis bwk balik umah, assignment, nak kne prepare report ABR… many things la…

So finding owns “ME TIME” by window shopping at Sunway Pyramid. Feeling hungry.. Cari2 kedai ape nak makan then nampk SAKAE SUSHI (… boleh la.. sbb lapar sangat & malas sgt nk cari kedai lain so feelilng2 Jepun kejap.

i-pad for place order at Sakae Sushi
list of menu
Best part is, SAKAE SUSHI order placing is using I-Pad, we may choose and do selection of menu from the tab. Once we “click” OK to confirm order, our order will be transmit to kitchen screen (and of course they are using intranet- sebab Nampak wire2 bawah meja… smpai wayer pun nk skodeng=)).
tengah nak place order
select menu

order confirmation

confirm order!

But at SAKAE SUSHI not fully online order placing. Customer may pick any sushi at conveyer. So it’s so call semi-auto order=)…. 

But in Malaysia not very sophisticated as Shushi shop in Japan that I see in my senior blog (

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