Sunday 10 May 2015

ENTRY 3: Video Maker: Preserve Memorable Vacation in PHUKET!!

Video Maker: Preserve Memorable Vacation in PHUKET!!
View in AA Flight to Phuket
Bestiess Ex-SMKS18 Reunion & Holiday!!

Special Note: I'll explain later, how to do video maker

Nowadays, we’re more advance in cling to memorable moment, girl day out session, chating2, flirting2 (opsssss!!) by sharing pictures via Facebook or Instagram. Rase2nye all this application still relevance & view-able in next 10 years tak? As example Friendster, back to around year 2003-2004, I’m not so sure the existence of this social network in this 2015.  Hehehheh…

Throwbacks or in Malay “Baling Belakang” moment in Feb 2015, my ex-schoolmate and me going to short vacation to Phuket. My fren il or FB name ILstormyani ZAc or Instagram name ilyanidz (hehhehe… motif sbb nak bg credit sbb knowledge sharing pertaining this apps & guided how to use & do it) who’s the one that making memorable video for our vacation.

Its super-duper best & easy coz we can use our own phone je..  SO……

Let’s get startinggggg (ayat ara.aziz)!!

How to do Video Maker

Tools & Gadgets

  • Phone (kene phone canggih skit la.. wajib ade camera)
  • If u want high resolution pic u may use: gopro (coz its supply with waterproof casing, for underwater scene – mane la tau jmpe mermaid tengah swin ke=) 
  • Application (can download using Playstore or Black-market): WeVideo (this is the application that been use), or u may chose whatever apps. That u feel user friendly.


Note: Simple video to guide u’ll on how to do it & using it. It was so FUN!!!!

Pic Biru tu la WeVideo

1) Download application @ Playstore (suggested WeVideo)
2) Drag media (either its video, pic from device phone)
3) You may choose to add caption
4) Select theme (ape2 je yug cantik di mate u’ll)

5) Add audio or music (this one its most favourite part – sbb once dengar je lagu yg kite letak .. kite automatic boleh feeling2 flashback..hhiihiihi)

Circle of Friendship
  • Happy Family “Ehya+Epi+Eryna”
  • “Ilyani”
  • “Nana Muhammad”
  • “Sue Sulaiman”
  • “Shina”
  • “Zil F” a.k.a zilsicelikit
Special Thx & Bunch of love to Ilyani for the knowledge sharing & everything. 

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